Spinal Cord Injury
Michigan and Co-Counsel Nationwide
Spinal Cord Injury Attorney
Spinal cord injuries affect over a quarter million individuals in the United States. Approximately 10,000 people each year will sustain a spinal cord injury. The majority, 82%, are men between the ages of 16 and 30. Most are injured as a result of a traumatic event such as a motor vehicle accident, criminal act or fall. In rare cases, the spinal cord may be injured by a tumor or a virus.
A Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) causes damage to the spinal cord, resulting in a loss of mobility or feeling. The location and extent of the trauma determines the severity of the injury.
The spinal cord is simply a bundle of nerves. It carries nerve impulses to and from the brain and to the rest of the body. The brain works with the spinal cord to form the Central Nervous System. The spinal cord is protected by rings of bone known as vertebra. The vertebra can be identified according to their location. The eight vertebras in the neck are the cervical vertebra, starting with the topmost C-1 and moving down to C-8. The twelve vertebras in the chest are known as the thoracic vertebra and are identified as T-1 to T-12. The vertebras in the lower back are the lumbar vertebras- L-1 thru L-5. The lowest vertebras are the sacral vertebra, S-1 thru S-5. The Sacral vertebras extend from the pelvis to the spinal column. In general, the higher the location of the spinal cord damage, the greater the extent of the injury. Damage in the area of the cervical vertebra, for example, is associated with quadriplegia.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is my spinal cord injury case worth?
How long will the case take?
How much money will it take to pursue my case and who pays for those costs?
Because many spinal cord injuries are caused by accidents or medical negligence, a lawyer experienced with spinal cord injuries can help your family cope with the financial burden associated with the injury. At GorenLaw, we work with doctors, physical therapists and vocational experts around the country to help assess our clients’ injuries. Care and treatment is expensive and we want to make sure our clients’ futures are protected.
Contact Us
Contact Us Today for a Free Spinal Cord Injury Consultation by filling out the Contact Us form to the right or call toll-free at 1-833-529-1234 / 1-833-LAW-1234.